Planning Local Review Body (Panel 1) - Wednesday 19 August 2020, 10:00am - City of Edinburgh Council Webcasts
Planning Local Review Body (Panel 1)
Wednesday, 19th August 2020 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Agenda item :
1. Appointment of Convener
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Agenda item :
1 a) Appointment of Convener
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Agenda item :
2. Order of Business
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Agenda item :
2 a) Order of Business
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Agenda item :
3. Declaration of Interests
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Agenda item :
3 a) Declaration of Interests
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Agenda item :
4. Minutes
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Agenda item :
4 a) Minutes
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Agenda item :
5. Local Review Body - Procedure
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Agenda item :
5 a) Local Review Body - Procedure
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Agenda item :
6. Continues Requests for Review
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Agenda item :
6 a) 9 - 21 Salamander Place, Edinburgh
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Agenda item :
7.Requests for Review
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Agenda item :
7 a) 21 Braid Hills Approach, Edinburgh
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Agenda item :
7 b) 30 Buckstone Avenue, Edinburgh
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Agenda item :
7 c) 23 Easter Currie Terrace, Edinburgh
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Agenda item :
7 d) 3 Eltringham Grove, Edinburgh
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Agenda item :
7 d) 3 Eltringham Grove, Edinburgh
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Agenda item :
7 e) 3(2F1) Gillespie Place, Edinburgh
- Item 4.1 Minute -of 24.06.20 (Panel 1), opens in new tab
- Item 5.1 - LRB Procedure, opens in new tab
- Item 6.1 - 9 - 21 Salamander Place, Edinburgh, opens in new tab
- Item 7.1 - 21 Baird Avenue, Edinburgh, opens in new tab
- Item 7.2 - 30 Buckstone Avenue, Edinburgh, opens in new tab
- Item 7.3 - 23 Easter Currie Terrace, Edinburgh, opens in new tab
- Item 7.4 - 3 Eltringham Grove, Edinburgh, opens in new tab
- Item 7.5 - 3(2F1) Gillespie Place, Edinburgh, opens in new tab
- Item 7.6 - 40 Summerside Place, Edinburgh, opens in new tab