Development Management Sub-Committee - Wednesday 7 October 2020, 10:00am - City of Edinburgh Council Webcasts
Development Management Sub-Committee
Wednesday, 7th October 2020 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
1. Order of business
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1 a) Order of Business
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2. Declaration of interests
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2 a) Declaration of interests
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3 a) Minutes
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Agenda item :
4. General Applications, Miscellaneous Business and Pre-Application Reports
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Agenda item :
4 a) Report for forthcoming application by J Smart And Co (Contractors) Plc. for Proposal of Application Notice at 22 Inglis Green Road, Edinburgh, EH14 2HZ - Mixed use residential and commercial development with associated landscape, car parking and infrastructure - application no 20/01816/PAN
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4 b) GF, 6 Bell's Brae, Edinburgh - Change of use from offices into 11 residential properties, formation of new dormer windows and some minor external works - application no 20/01616/FUL
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4 c) GF, 6 Bell's Brae, Edinburgh - Internal alterations, roof works including new dormers and minor external facade works to allow the formation of 11 properties - application no 20/01597/LBC
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4 d) 4 Campbell's Close, 87 Canongate, Edinburgh - Change of Use from residential to short term visitor accommodation - application no 20/03069/FUL
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4 e) 6 Campbell's Close, 87 Canongate, Edinburgh - Change of use from residential flat to short term visitor accommodation - application no 20/01717/FUL
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4 f) 4A Dewar Place Lane, Edinburgh, EH3 8EF - Change of Use from residential to holiday flat - application no 20/03071/FUL
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4 g) 43 Main Street, Edinburgh, EH4 5BZ - Planning application for residential development including associated access, parking, infrastructure, and landscaping - application no 20/01410/PPP
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4 h) Peffer Place, Edinburgh (At Site 90 Metres South Of) - Mixed-use residential led development comprising of dementia care centre (Class 8), assisted living apartments (Class 8), student accommodation (Sui Generis) and commercial units (Class, 1, 2 or 3) with access, landscaping, SUDS and car parking - application no 20/00292/FUL
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Agenda item :
5. Returning Applications
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5 a) Corstorphine Hospital, 136 Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh - Re-development of the former Corstorphine Hospital to form 76 residential apartments (including 44 new build apartments) and associated community hub, vehicular access, car parking and landscape works (as amended) - application no 17/04137/FUL
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Agenda item :
5 b) 103, Newcraighall Road, Edinburgh - Proposed residential development (including class 8 residential institutions, class 9 houses and sui generis flats) primary school (class 10 non-residential institutions) local centre (including class 1 retail, class 2 financial services, class 3 food and drink, class 10 non residential institutions and class 11 assembly and leisure ), green network, access and transport links, infrastructure and associated ancillary works (as amended.) - application no 16/04122/PPP
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Agenda item :
5 c) Redhall House Drive, Edinburgh, EH14 1JE - Alteration and conversion of existing building to form six duplex apartments, the erection of a detached garage block accommodating six garages and the erection of two detached dwelling houses with all associated site development works and landscaping - application no 18/09642/FUL
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Agenda item :
5 c) Redhall House Drive, Edinburgh, EH14 1JE - Alteration and conversion of existing building to form six duplex apartments, the erection of a detached garage block accommodating six garages and the erection of two detached dwelling houses with all associated site development works and landscaping - application no 18/09642/FUL
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Agenda item :
6 b) Meadowbank Stadium, 139 London Road, Edinburgh - Application for approval of matters specified in condition 1 of 18/00154 PPP for the proposed redevelopment of surplus land at Meadowbank Sports Centre with mixed uses including residential and commercial, together with roads, landscaping, drainage and ancillary works - application no 20/00618/AMC
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Agenda item :
6 b) Meadowbank Stadium, 139 London Road, Edinburgh - Application for approval of matters specified in condition 1 of 18/00154 PPP for the proposed redevelopment of surplus land at Meadowbank Sports Centre with mixed uses including residential and commercial, together with roads, landscaping, drainage and ancillary works - application no 20/00618/AMC
- 3.1- 23 September 2020, opens in new tab
- 4.1 - 20-01816-PAN Inglis Green Road, opens in new tab
- 4.2 - 20 01616 FUL 6 Bells Brae, opens in new tab
- 4.3 - 20 01597 LBC 6 Bell's Brae GF, opens in new tab
- 4.4 - 20 03069 FUL 4 Campbells Close, opens in new tab
- 4.5 - 20 01717 FUL 6 Campbells Close, opens in new tab
- 4.6 - 20-03071-FUL dewar place, opens in new tab
- 4.7 - 20 01410 PPP 43 Main Street, opens in new tab
- 4.8 - 20-00292-ful - Peffer Place, opens in new tab
- 5.1 - 17 04137 FUL 136 Corstorphine Road, opens in new tab
- 5.2 - 16 04122 PPP 103 Newcraighall Road (CORRECTION), opens in new tab
- 5.3 - 18 09642 FUL 7 Redhall House Drive, opens in new tab
- Item 6.1 - Protocol Note - 07.10.20 V2, opens in new tab
- 6.2 - 20 00618 AMC Meadowbank Stadium, opens in new tab