City of Edinburgh Council - Thursday 18 February 2021, 10:00am - Feedback Tab - City of Edinburgh Council Webcasts
City of Edinburgh Council
Thursday, 18th February 2021 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Agenda item :
1. Order of business
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Agenda item :
1 a) Order of Business
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Agenda item :
2. Declaration of interests
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Agenda item :
2 a) Declaration of interests
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Agenda item :
2 a) Declaration of interests
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Agenda item :
3 a) Deputations
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Agenda item :
3 a) Deputations
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Agenda item :
4 b) Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Budget Strategy (2021-2031)
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Agenda item :
4 a) Revenue Budget 2021/26 - reports
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- Item 4.1(a) - Council Business Plan and Budget - Referral from the F&R Cttee
- Item 4.1(b) - Local Government Finance Settlement 2021-22
- Item 4.1(c) - Council Business Plan and Budget - Risks & Reserves - Referral from the F&R Cttee
- Item 4.1(d) - Budget Insights 2020 - Referral from the F&R Cttee
- Item 4.1(e) - Corporate Parenting Action Plan - Referral from the F&R Cttee
Agenda item :
4 c) Sustainable Capital Budget Strategy 2021-2031 - referral from the Finance and Resources Committee
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Agenda item :
4 d) Council Revenue Budget Framework (2021-22) – Integrated Impact Assessments
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Agenda item :
4 a) Revenue Budget 2021/26 - reports
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- Item 4.1(a) - Council Business Plan and Budget - Referral from the F&R Cttee
- Item 4.1(b) - Local Government Finance Settlement 2021-22
- Item 4.1(c) - Council Business Plan and Budget - Risks & Reserves - Referral from the F&R Cttee
- Item 4.1(d) - Budget Insights 2020 - Referral from the F&R Cttee
- Item 4.1(e) - Corporate Parenting Action Plan - Referral from the F&R Cttee
Agenda item :
4 a) Revenue Budget 2021/26 - reports
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- Item 4.1(a) - Council Business Plan and Budget - Referral from the F&R Cttee
- Item 4.1(b) - Local Government Finance Settlement 2021-22
- Item 4.1(c) - Council Business Plan and Budget - Risks & Reserves - Referral from the F&R Cttee
- Item 4.1(d) - Budget Insights 2020 - Referral from the F&R Cttee
- Item 4.1(e) - Corporate Parenting Action Plan - Referral from the F&R Cttee
Agenda item :
4 a) Revenue Budget 2021/26 - reports
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- Item 4.1(a) - Council Business Plan and Budget - Referral from the F&R Cttee
- Item 4.1(b) - Local Government Finance Settlement 2021-22
- Item 4.1(c) - Council Business Plan and Budget - Risks & Reserves - Referral from the F&R Cttee
- Item 4.1(d) - Budget Insights 2020 - Referral from the F&R Cttee
- Item 4.1(e) - Corporate Parenting Action Plan - Referral from the F&R Cttee
- Item 4.1(a) - Council Business Plan and Budget - Referral from the F&R Cttee, opens in new tab
- Item 4.1(b) - Local Government Finance Settlement 2021-22, opens in new tab
- Item 4.1(c) - Council Business Plan and Budget - Risks & Reserves - Referral from the F&R Cttee, opens in new tab
- Item 4.1(d) - Budget Insights 2020 - Referral from the F&R Cttee, opens in new tab
- Item 4.1(e) - Corporate Parenting Action Plan - Referral from the F&R Cttee, opens in new tab
- Item 4.2 - Housing Revenue Account Budget Strategy - Referral from the F&R Cttee, opens in new tab
- Item 4.3 - Sustainable Capital Budget Strategy - Referral from the F&R Cttee, opens in new tab
- Item 4.4 - Council Revenue Budget Framework (2021-22) – Integrated Impact Assessments, opens in new tab
- Coalition Budget Motion 2021-22, opens in new tab
- Conservative Group Budget Motion 2021-26, opens in new tab
- Green Group Budget Motion 21-22, opens in new tab
- Liberal Democrat Budget Motion 2021, opens in new tab
- Item 4.2 - Composite Amendment - Conservative, Green and Liberal Democrat Groups, opens in new tab
- Item 4.2 - Addendum - Coalition, opens in new tab
- Item 3 - Deputations V2, opens in new tab