Development Management Sub-Committee - Wednesday 12 January 2022, 10:00am - Feedback Tab - City of Edinburgh Council Webcasts
Development Management Sub-Committee
Wednesday, 12th January 2022 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
1. Order of business
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Agenda item :
1 a) Order of Business
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2. Declaration of interests
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2 a) Declaration of interests
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Agenda item :
3. Minutes
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Agenda item :
3 a) Minutes
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Agenda item :
4 a) Report for forthcoming application by City Of Edinburgh Council Housing Services for Proposal of Application Notice at 7 Murrayburn Gate, Edinburgh - Proposed affordable housing development with associated infrastructure and landscape - application no. 21/06024/PAN - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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Agenda item :
4 b) 44 Arthur Street, Edinburgh - Conversion of existing garages and change of use of existing apartments to form three short stay lets - application no. 21/04620/FUL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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Agenda item :
4 d) 358 - 364 Morningside Road, Edinburgh - Partial demolition of existing ground floor retail unit, alterations and extension to form replacement ground floor and basement retail unit (class 1) and erection of 10 flats in the upper floors, with associated cycle parking and infrastructure (as amended) - application no. 21/03620/FUL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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Agenda item :
5. Returning Applications
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Agenda item :
5 a) 50 Pilrig Street, Edinburgh - Demolition of house and redevelopment to form apartment building with associated garden ground and bin/cycle storage (as amended) - application no. 21/00246/FUL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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Agenda item :
6 b) 14 Bath Street, Edinburgh - Demolition of auditorium and retention and partial restoration of principal external elements of the Art Deco facade, erection of 21 residential flats with associated car parking and landscaping - application no. 20/05800/FUL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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Agenda item :
6 b) 14 Bath Street, Edinburgh - Demolition of auditorium and retention and partial restoration of principal external elements of the Art Deco facade, erection of 21 residential flats with associated car parking and landscaping - application no. 20/05800/FUL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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Agenda item :
6 b) 14 Bath Street, Edinburgh - Demolition of auditorium and retention and partial restoration of principal external elements of the Art Deco facade, erection of 21 residential flats with associated car parking and landscaping - application no. 20/05800/FUL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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Agenda item :
6 b) 14 Bath Street, Edinburgh - Demolition of auditorium and retention and partial restoration of principal external elements of the Art Deco facade, erection of 21 residential flats with associated car parking and landscaping - application no. 20/05800/FUL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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Agenda item :
4 e) 14 Muirhouse Parkway (Silverlea Old Peoples Home), Edinburgh - Proposed residential development comprising 142 flats including colonies with associated roads, parking and greenspace - application no. 21/05056/FUL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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Agenda item :
7 b) 22 Haymarket Yards (At land 175 metres north of), Edinburgh - Student accommodation with associated ancillary development, landscaping and access - application no. 21/04413/FUL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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4 c) 265 Morningside Road, Edinburgh - Form ground floor retail unit and 11x flats in upper floors with associated cycle parking and infrastructure - application no. 21/03622/FUL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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4 f) 1 Waterfront Avenue (At land 199 Metres southeast of), Edinburgh - Mixed use development to include (approximately) 75 residential units and (approximately) 3 commercial units. The commercial units will be either class 1 (shop), class 2 (financial, professional and other services), class 3 (food and drink) or class 4 (business). The development will include limited parking spaces, access road and pavements, internal courtyard, an energy centre (including an air source heat pump station) and drainage infrastructure. (As Amended) - application no. 21/04049/FUL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
- 3.1 - Minute of 8 December 2021, opens in new tab
- 4.1 - 21 06024 PAN 7 Murrayburn Gate, opens in new tab
- 4.2 - 21 04620 FUL 44 Arthur Street, opens in new tab
- 4.3 - 21 03622 FUL 265 Morningside Road, opens in new tab
- 4.4 - 21 03620 FUL 358-364 Morningside Road, opens in new tab
- 4.5 - 21 05056 FUL Silverlea 14 Muirhouse Parkway, opens in new tab
- 4.6 - 21 04049 FUL 1 Waterfront Ave, opens in new tab
- 5.1 - 21 00246 FUL 50 Pilrig Street, opens in new tab
- 5.2 - 21 00248 CON 50 Pilrig Street, opens in new tab
- 6.1 - Protocol Note - 12.01.22, opens in new tab
- 6.2 - 20 05800 FUL 14 Bath Street, opens in new tab
- 6.3 - 20 05799 LBC 14 Bath Street, opens in new tab
- 7.1 - 21 03756 FUL Rosebery House 9 Haymarket Terrace, opens in new tab
- 7.2 - 21 04413 FUL 22 Haymarket Yards land, opens in new tab