Development Management Sub-Committee - Wednesday 26 January 2022, 10:00am - Feedback Tab - City of Edinburgh Council Webcasts
Development Management Sub-Committee
Wednesday, 26th January 2022 at 10:00am
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1. Order of business
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1 a) Order of Business
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2. Declaration of interests
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2 a) Declaration of interests
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3. Minutes
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3 a) Minutes
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Agenda item :
4. General Applications, Miscellaneous Business and Pre-Application Reports
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4 a) Report for forthcoming application by Lady Road Investment SARL. for Proposal of Application Notice at Cameron Toll Shopping Centre, 6 Lady Road, Edinburgh - Proposed redevelopment of Cameron Toll neigh bourhood centre, to include residential and hotel uses along with improvements to public realm and improved pedestrian, cyclist routes within the site and associated landscaping - application no. 21/06125/PAN
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Agenda item :
4 b) Report for forthcoming application by Wallace Land Investment and Management Ltd for Proposal of Application Notice at 10 Gilmerton Station Road, Edinburgh (Land 292 metres of) - Residential development, access, landscaping, engineering and associated works - application no. 21/06302/PAN
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Agenda item :
4 c) Report for forthcoming application by Elgin Haymarket Limited C/o Agent for Proposal of Application Notice at 20 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh - Redevelopment of site for mixed-use development (two buildings) comprising hotel (class 7), office (class 4) and cafe (class 3) use, with associated public realm, active travel links, landscaping, EV charging infrastructure, cycle and car parking, servicing, and access - application no. 21/05661/PAN
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Agenda item :
4 d) Report for forthcoming application by Places For People for Proposal of Application Notice at Saltire Street, Edinburgh (Land 80 metres West and East of) - Proposed phase 4 development at Waterfront Avenue with associated infrastructure and landscape - application no. 21/05960/PAN
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Agenda item :
4 e) 111-115 Constitution Street, Edinburgh - Proposed change of use and redevelopment of 111 Constitution Street and the existing derelict warehouse at 18-25 John's Lane to create an overall development comprising 35 residential units and one class 1 retail unit (as amended) - application no. 19/05184/FUL
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Agenda item :
4 f) 111-115 Constitution Street, Edinburgh - Substantial demolition in a conservation area - application no. 19/05187/CON
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4 g) 173 Gilberstoun, Edinburgh - Demolition of the existing dilapidated farm buildings and erection of 10 new houses with associated roads, garages and parking (as amended from 19 houses) - application no. 19/01796/FUL
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4 h) 8A Napier Road, Edinburgh - New three bedroom, two storey house within the garden of 8A Napier Road, including minor alterations to the existing house - application no. 21/05149/FUL
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4 i) 94 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh (Land 143 metres Southeast of) - Application under S75A for the modification of a planning obligation relating to the land 143 metres south-east of 94 Ocean Drive - application no. 21/05744/OBL
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Agenda item :
4 j) 211A Portobello High Street, Edinburgh - Change of use of class 1 shop to class 3 restaurant with alterations to shop and front and flue - application no. 21/01673/FUL
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4 k) 17 Spey Street Lane, Edinburgh - Demolish the existing garage structure and erect a two-storey residential dwelling house (as amended) - application no. 20/04132/FUL
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Agenda item :
4 l) 17 Spey Street Lane, Edinburgh - Demolish the existing garage structure - application no. 20/04133/CON
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Agenda item :
4 e) 111-115 Constitution Street, Edinburgh - Proposed change of use and redevelopment of 111 Constitution Street and the existing derelict warehouse at 18-25 John's Lane to create an overall development comprising 35 residential units and one class 1 retail unit (as amended) - application no. 19/05184/FUL
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Agenda item :
4 f) 111-115 Constitution Street, Edinburgh - Substantial demolition in a conservation area - application no. 19/05187/CON
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Agenda item :
4 e) 111-115 Constitution Street, Edinburgh - Proposed change of use and redevelopment of 111 Constitution Street and the existing derelict warehouse at 18-25 John's Lane to create an overall development comprising 35 residential units and one class 1 retail unit (as amended) - application no. 19/05184/FUL
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Agenda item :
4 f) 111-115 Constitution Street, Edinburgh - Substantial demolition in a conservation area - application no. 19/05187/CON
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Agenda item :
4 h) 8A Napier Road, Edinburgh - New three bedroom, two storey house within the garden of 8A Napier Road, including minor alterations to the existing house - application no. 21/05149/FUL
- 4.1 - 21 06125 PAN Cameron Toll Shopping Centre 6 Lady Road, opens in new tab
- 4.2 - 21 06302 PAN 10 Gilmerton Station Road, opens in new tab
- 4.3 - 21 05661 PAN 20 Haymarket Yards, opens in new tab
- 4.4 - 21 05960 PAN Saltire Street, opens in new tab
- 4.5 - 19 05184 FUL 111-115 Constitution Street, opens in new tab
- 4.6 - 19 05187 CON 111-115 CONSTITUTION STREET, opens in new tab
- 4.7 - 19 01796 FUL 173 Gilberstoun, opens in new tab
- 4.8 - 21 05149 FUL 8A Napier Road, opens in new tab
- 4.9 - 21 05744 OBL Ocean Drive, opens in new tab
- 4.9 - 21 01673 FUL 211A Portobello High Street, opens in new tab
- 4.10 - 20 04132 FUL 17 Spey Street Lane, opens in new tab
- 4.11 - 20 04133 CON 17 Spey Street Lane, opens in new tab