Development Management Sub-Committee - Wednesday 16 March 2022, 10:00am - City of Edinburgh Council Webcasts
Development Management Sub-Committee
Wednesday, 16th March 2022 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
1. Order of business
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Agenda item :
1 a) Order of Business
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Agenda item :
2. Declaration of interests
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Agenda item :
2 a) Declaration of interests
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Agenda item :
3. Minutes
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Agenda item :
3 a) Minutes
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Agenda item :
4. General Applications, Miscellaneous Business and Pre-Application Reports
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Agenda item :
4 a) Police Box, Charterhall Road, Edinburgh - Change of use of police call box to point of sale for food and drink - application no. 21/04957/FUL
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Agenda item :
5 b) 50 Pilrig Street, Edinburgh, EH6 5AL - Demolition of house and redevelopment to form apartment building with associated garden ground and bin/cycle storage (as amended) - application no. 21/00246/FUL
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Agenda item :
4 c) Currie High School, 31 Dolphin Avenue, Currie - Construction of a new ultra-low energy community high school, swimming pool and sports facilities plus associated landscaping and parking, demolition of existing school building (as amended) - application no. 21/04443/FUL
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Agenda item :
5 a) 8A Napier Road, Edinburgh, EH10 5BD - New three bedroom, two storey house within the garden of 8A Napier Road, including minor alterations to the existing house - application no. 21/05149/FUL
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Agenda item :
5 b) 50 Pilrig Street, Edinburgh, EH6 5AL - Demolition of house and redevelopment to form apartment building with associated garden ground and bin/cycle storage (as amended) - application no. 21/00246/FUL
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Agenda item :
7 a) 13 Ashville Terrace, Edinburgh, EH6 8DD - To form hard standing in the front garden to create a driveway with entrance gates (in part retrospect) - application no. 21/02915/FUL
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Agenda item :
7 a) 13 Ashville Terrace, Edinburgh, EH6 8DD - To form hard standing in the front garden to create a driveway with entrance gates (in part retrospect) - application no. 21/02915/FUL
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Agenda item :
7 b) 1 Distillery Lane, Edinburgh (At Land 247 Metres West of) - Formation of temporary site compound for use during construction - application no. 21/01057/FUL
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Agenda item :
4 b) 8 Craigmillar Park, Edinburgh - Confirmation of Tree Preservation Order No. 197
- 05 - 2 March 2022, opens in new tab
- 4.1 - 21 04957 FUL Charterhall Road Police Box, opens in new tab
- 4.2 - Confirmation TPO 197 8 Craigmillar Park, opens in new tab
- 4.3 - 21 04443 FUL Currie High School, opens in new tab
- 7.4 - 21 05149 FUL 8A Napier Road, opens in new tab
- 5.1 - 21 00246 FUL 50 Pilrig Street, opens in new tab
- 7.1 - 21 02915 FUL 13 Ashville Terrace, opens in new tab
- 7.2 - 21 01057 FUL land at 1 Distillery lane, opens in new tab
- 7.3 - 21 02941 PPP site east of 194 Glasgow Road, opens in new tab