Finance and Resources Committee - Thursday 10 November 2022, 10:00am - City of Edinburgh Council Webcasts
Finance and Resources Committee
Thursday, 10th November 2022 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Mandy Watt
Rachel Gentleman
Agenda item :
1. Order of business
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Cllr Mandy Watt
Rachel Gentleman
Agenda item :
1 a) Order of business
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Agenda item :
2. Declaration of interests
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Agenda item :
2 a) Declaration of interests
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Rachel Gentleman
Cllr Phil Doggart
Agenda item :
3. Deputations
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Rachel Gentleman
Agenda item :
3 a) Deputations
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Agenda item :
4. Minutes
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Agenda item :
3 a) Deputations
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Cllr Mandy Watt
Rachel Gentleman
Rachel Gentleman
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Rachel Gentleman
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lewis Younie
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Rachel Gentleman
Cllr Mandy Watt
Agenda item :
8 j) Response to Motion by Councillor Davidson - Support for Roseburn Businesses
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Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Agenda item :
8 j) Response to Motion by Councillor Davidson - Support for Roseburn Businesses
Share this agenda point
Cllr Mandy Watt
Rachel Gentleman
Cllr Mandy Watt
Peter Watton
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Peter Watton
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Peter Watton
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Peter Watton
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Phil Doggart
Peter Watton
Peter Watton
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Phil Doggart
Peter Watton
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Phil Doggart
Peter Watton
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Peter Watton
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Peter Watton
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Joan Griffiths
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Euan Hyslop
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lewis Younie
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Rachel Gentleman
Agenda item :
4 a) Minutes
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Agenda item :
4 b) Minutes
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Cllr Neil Ross
Rachel Gentleman
Rachel Gentleman
Agenda item :
5. Forward Planning
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Agenda item :
5 a) Work Programme
Agenda item :
5 b) Rolling Actions Log
Share this agenda point
Rachel Gentleman
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Rachel Gentleman
Cllr Mandy Watt
Rachel Gentleman
Cllr Mandy Watt
Richard Carr
Agenda item :
6. Business Bulletin
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Agenda item :
6 a) Business Bulletin
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Agenda item :
7. Executive Decisions
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Agenda item :
7 a) City of Edinburgh Council 2021/22 Annual Audit Report to the Council and the Controller of Audit - referral from the Governance, Risk and Best Value Committee
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Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Graeme Bruce
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Graeme Bruce
Cllr Mandy Watt
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Rachel Gentleman
Agenda item :
7 b) The City of Edinburgh Council Charitable Trusts
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Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Phil Doggart
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Rachel Gentleman
Agenda item :
7 c) 2021/22 Common Good Annual Performance Report
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Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Rachel Gentleman
Agenda item :
7 d) Revenue Monitoring 2022/23 - Month 5 Report
Share this agenda point
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Peter Watton
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Graeme Bruce
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Graeme Bruce
Cllr Graeme Bruce
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Phil Doggart
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Alys Mumford
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lewis Younie
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Lewis Younie
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Lewis Younie
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Phil Doggart
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Phil Doggart
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Joan Griffiths
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Agenda item :
7 d) Revenue Monitoring 2022/23 - Month 5 Report
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Cllr Mandy Watt
Rachel Gentleman
Agenda item :
7 e) Corporate Services Directorate: Revenue Budget - Monitoring 2022/23 – Month Five position
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Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Agenda item :
7 f) Capital Monitoring 2022-23 - Month 5 Position
Share this agenda point
Rachel Gentleman
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Agenda item :
7 g) Revenue Budget Framework 2023/27: progress update
Share this agenda point
Rachel Gentleman
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Neil Ross
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Peter Watton
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Neil Ross
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Neil Ross
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Peter Watton
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Peter Watton
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Phil Doggart
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Alys Mumford
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Alys Mumford
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lewis Younie
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Lewis Younie
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lewis Younie
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Joan Griffiths
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Rachel Gentleman
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Rachel Gentleman
Agenda item :
7 h) Sustainable Capital Budget Strategy 2022-33
Share this agenda point
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Neil Ross
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lewis Younie
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Peter Watton
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Graeme Bruce
Peter Watton
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Graeme Bruce
Cllr Graeme Bruce
Cllr Graeme Bruce
Cllr Graeme Bruce
Cllr Graeme Bruce
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Euan Hyslop
Peter Watton
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Euan Hyslop
Peter Watton
Cllr Euan Hyslop
Cllr Mandy Watt
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Phil Doggart
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Rachel Gentleman
Agenda item :
7 i) Finance and Procurement Policies - Assurance Statement
Share this agenda point
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Euan Hyslop
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Euan Hyslop
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Agenda item :
7 j) Professional Services Expenditure 2021/22
Share this agenda point
Rachel Gentleman
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Euan Hyslop
Cllr Mandy Watt
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Euan Hyslop
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Euan Hyslop
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Peter Watton
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Peter Watton
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Rachel Gentleman
Agenda item :
7 k) Telefonica UK Ltd (O2) – Voice Services (Mobile & Fixed Lines) Contract Award
Share this agenda point
Cllr Mandy Watt
Rachel Gentleman
Agenda item :
7 l) Award of The Supply of Five Electric Refuse Collection Vehicles
Share this agenda point
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Graeme Bruce
Cllr Graeme Bruce
Cllr Graeme Bruce
Cllr Graeme Bruce
Cllr Graeme Bruce
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Agenda item :
7 l) Award of The Supply of Five Electric Refuse Collection Vehicles
Share this agenda point
Cllr Mandy Watt
Rachel Gentleman
Agenda item :
7 m) Award of Contract for Restoration of Granton Gas Holder
Share this agenda point
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Rachel Gentleman
Agenda item :
7 n) Asset Management Works Programme- 2021/22 Update
Share this agenda point
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Agenda item :
7 o) Contract Award Recommendations Report in respect of ‘Business Gateway Specialist Support Training Services’
Share this agenda point
Rachel Gentleman
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Euan Hyslop
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Rachel Gentleman
Agenda item :
7 p) Homelessness Services - Contract Extension Request for Street-based Outreach and Support Hub for Rough Sleepers
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Cllr Mandy Watt
Agenda item :
7 q) Waiver Extension - Building Energy Management System (BEMS)
Share this agenda point
Rachel Gentleman
Rachel Gentleman
Cllr Mandy Watt
Peter Watton
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Agenda item :
7 r) Liberton Hospital, Edinburgh - Update on Proposed Acquisition
Share this agenda point
Rachel Gentleman
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Phil Doggart
Peter Watton
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Peter Watton
Cllr Mandy Watt
Peter Watton
Cllr Alys Mumford
Peter Watton
Peter Watton
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Peter Watton
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Peter Watton
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Rachel Gentleman
Cllr Mandy Watt
Rachel Gentleman
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Agenda item :
7 s) Homelessness Services – Use of Temporary Accommodation
Share this agenda point
Cllr Neil Ross
Rachel Gentleman
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Agenda item :
7 t) Finance for Equity - Update
Share this agenda point
Rachel Gentleman
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Rachel Gentleman
Agenda item :
7 u) Motion by Councillor Caldwell - Importance of Participatory Budgeting - referral from the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee
Share this agenda point
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Joan Griffiths
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Rachel Gentleman
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Euan Hyslop
Cllr Mandy Watt
Agenda item :
8. Routine Decisions
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Cllr Euan Hyslop
Agenda item :
8 e) Block 1 Unit 1 Pennywell Town Centre, Edinburgh - Proposed New Lease
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Cllr Euan Hyslop
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Agenda item :
8 b) Workforce Dashboard and Living Our Behaviours Deep Dive
Share this agenda point
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Mandy Watt
Rachel Gentleman
Agenda item :
11. Private Reports
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Cllr Mandy Watt
Webcast Finished
- 4.1 - Minute of 8 September 2022 - F&R, opens in new tab
- 4.2 - Minute of 10 October 2022 - F&R (public), opens in new tab
- 5.1 - Work Programme - 10 November 2022, opens in new tab
- 5.2 - Rolling Actions Log - 10.11.22, opens in new tab
- 6.1 - Business Bulletin - November 2022, opens in new tab
- 7.1 - City of Edinburgh Council – 202122 Annual Audit Report to the Council and the Controller of Audit - referral to F&R from GRBV, opens in new tab
- 7.2 - Charitable Trusts Annual Report, opens in new tab
- 7.3 - 202122 Common Good Annual Performance Report, opens in new tab
- 7.4 - Revenue Monitoring 202223 – Month 5 Report, opens in new tab
- 7.5 - Corporate Services Directorate Revenue Budget - Monitoring 202223 – Month Five position, opens in new tab
- 7.6 - Capital Monitoring 2022-23 - Month 5 Position, opens in new tab
- 7.7 - Revenue Budget Framework 202327 progress update, opens in new tab
- 7.8 - Sustainable Capital Budget Strategy 2023-2033, opens in new tab
- 7.9 - Finance and Procurement Policies - Assurance Statement, opens in new tab
- 7.10 - Professional Services Expenditure 2021-22, opens in new tab
- 7.11 - Telefonica UK Ltd (O2) - Voice Services (Mobile and Fixed Lines) Contract Award, opens in new tab
- 7.12 - Award of The Supply of Five Electric Refuse Collection Vehicles, opens in new tab
- 7.13 - Award of Contract for Restoration of Granton Gas Holder, opens in new tab
- 7.14 - Asset Management Works Programme- 202122 Update, opens in new tab
- 7.15 - Contract Award Recommendations Report in respect of ‘Business Gateway Specialist Support Training Services’, opens in new tab
- 7.17 - Waiver Extension - Building Energy Management System (BEMS), opens in new tab
- 7.18 - Liberton Hospital, Edinburgh – Update on Proposed Acquisition, opens in new tab
- 7.19 - Report - Homelessness Services – Use of Temporary Accommodation, opens in new tab
- 7.19 - Finance for Equity - Update, opens in new tab
- 7.20 - Motion by Councillor Caldwell - Importance of Participatory Budgeting - referral from the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee, opens in new tab
- 8.1 - Annual Fraud Detection and Prevention Report 2021-22, opens in new tab
- 8.2 - Workforce Dashboard and living our behaviours Deep Dive, opens in new tab
- 8.3 - Summary Report on Property Transactions, opens in new tab
- 8.4 - Walled Garden and Stable Block at Gracemount Mansion, Gracemount House Drive, Edinburgh - Proposed New Lease, opens in new tab
- 8.5 - Block 1 Unit 1 Pennywell Town Centre, Edinburgh - Proposed New Lease, opens in new tab
- 8.6 - Powderhall Stable Block, Broughton Road – Proposed Lease, opens in new tab
- 8.7 - Land at Meadowbank – Proposed Acquisition, opens in new tab
- 8.8 - Lochend Golf Club, 147 Craigentinny Avenue, Edinburgh – Proposed Lease, opens in new tab
- 8.9 - Portobello Town Hall - Proposed Lease, opens in new tab
- 8.10 - Response to motion - Support for Roseburn Traders, opens in new tab
- Deputations 10.11.22, opens in new tab
- Motions and Amendments - F&R - 10.11.22, opens in new tab

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