Planning Local Review Body (Panel 1) - Wednesday 15 November 2023, 10:00am - Speakers Tab - City of Edinburgh Council Webcasts
Planning Local Review Body (Panel 1)
Wednesday, 15th November 2023 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Blair Ritchie (Clerk)
Cllr Tim Jones
Blair Ritchie (Clerk)
Cllr Hal Osler
Blair Ritchie (Clerk)
Agenda item :
1. Appointment of Convener
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Agenda item :
1 a) Appointment of Convener
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Cllr Tim Jones
Blair Ritchie (Clerk)
Cllr Hal Osler
Blair Ritchie (Clerk)
Agenda item :
2. Order of Business
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Agenda item :
2 a) Order of Business
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Agenda item :
3. Declaration of Interests
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Agenda item :
3 a) Declaration of Interests
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Agenda item :
4. Minutes
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Agenda item :
4 a) Minutes
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Agenda item :
5. Local Review Body - Procedure
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Agenda item :
5 a) Local Review Body - Procedure
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Agenda item :
6. Requests for Review
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Agenda item :
6 a) 37 Craigmount View Edinburgh
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Cllr Hal Osler
Iain McFarlane
Cllr Hal Osler
Iain McFarlane
Cllr Hal Osler
Cllr Tim Jones
Iain McFarlane
Cllr Hal Osler
Cllr Hal Osler
Cllr Hal Osler
Cllr Tim Jones
Blair Ritchie (Clerk)
Agenda item :
6 b) 7 Dalmeny Street Edinburgh
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Iain McFarlane
Cllr Hal Osler
Cllr Tim Jones
Iain McFarlane
Cllr Tim Jones
Iain McFarlane
Cllr Hal Osler
Iain McFarlane
Cllr Hal Osler
Cllr Tim Jones
Cllr Tim Jones
Cllr Hal Osler
Cllr Hal Osler
Cllr Tim Jones
Agenda item :
6 c) 2 Gayfield Place Edinburgh
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Iain McFarlane
Cllr Hal Osler
Cllr Tim Jones
Cllr Hal Osler
Agenda item :
6 d) 76 Grassmarket Edinburgh
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Iain McFarlane
Cllr Hal Osler
Iain McFarlane
Cllr Hal Osler
Cllr Tim Jones
Iain McFarlane
Cllr Tim Jones
Cllr Hal Osler
Cllr Tim Jones
Cllr Hal Osler
Iain McFarlane
Cllr Hal Osler
Cllr Hal Osler
Cllr Hal Osler
Cllr Tim Jones
Cllr Hal Osler
Cllr Hal Osler
Blair Ritchie (Clerk)
Cllr Tim Jones
Blair Ritchie (Clerk)
Cllr Tim Jones
Blair Ritchie (Clerk)
Agenda item :
6 e) 18 Niddrie Mill Terrace Edinburgh
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- 6.5(a) - 18 Niddrie Mill Terrace - Decision Notice, Report of Handling & Reps
- 6.5(b) - 18 Niddrie Mill Terrace - LRB Notice of Review Form & Supporting Document (Part 1 of 2)
- 6.5(b) - 18 Niddrie Mill Terrace - LRB Notice of Review Form & Supporting Document (Part 2 of 2)
- 6.5(c) - 18 Niddrie Mill Terrace Edinburgh - Email Confirmation of Correct Address on LRB Form
Iain McFarlane
Cllr Hal Osler
Cllr Tim Jones
Iain McFarlane
Cllr Tim Jones
Iain McFarlane
Cllr Tim Jones
Iain McFarlane
Cllr Hal Osler
Blair Ritchie (Clerk)
Agenda item :
6 f) 8 Royal Circus Edinburgh
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Iain McFarlane
Cllr Hal Osler
Iain McFarlane
Cllr Hal Osler
Cllr Tim Jones
Iain McFarlane
Cllr Hal Osler
Iain McFarlane
Cllr Tim Jones
Iain McFarlane
Cllr Hal Osler
Cllr Hal Osler
Cllr Tim Jones
Cllr Hal Osler
Cllr Hal Osler
Blair Ritchie (Clerk)
Agenda item :
6 g) 6 Stafford Street Edinburgh
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Iain McFarlane
Cllr Hal Osler
Cllr Tim Jones
Iain McFarlane
Cllr Hal Osler
Cllr Tim Jones
Iain McFarlane
Cllr Tim Jones
Iain McFarlane
Cllr Tim Jones
Cllr Tim Jones
Iain McFarlane
Cllr Hal Osler
Cllr Tim Jones
Cllr Hal Osler
Cllr Hal Osler
Iain McFarlane
Cllr Hal Osler
Cllr Hal Osler
Cllr Tim Jones
Blair Ritchie (Clerk)
Cllr Tim Jones
Blair Ritchie (Clerk)
Agenda item :
6 h) 198 Willowbrae Road Edinburgh
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Iain McFarlane
Cllr Hal Osler
Blair Ritchie (Clerk)
Blair Ritchie (Clerk)
Cllr Hal Osler
- 4.1 - Minute - 11.10.23, opens in new tab
- 5.1 - LRB Procedure, opens in new tab
- 6.1(a) - 37 Craigmount View Edinburgh - Decision Notice, Report of Handling & Rep, opens in new tab
- 6.1(b) - 37 Craigmount View Edinburgh - LRB Notice of Review Form & Supporting Documents, opens in new tab
- 6.2(a) - 7 Dalmeny Street Edinburgh - Decision Notice, Report of Handling & Reps, opens in new tab
- 6.2(b) - 7 Dalmeny Street Edinburgh - LRB Notice of Review Form & Supporting Documents, opens in new tab
- 6.3(a) - 2 Gayfield Place Edinburgh - Decision Notice Report of Handling reps & con, opens in new tab
- 6.3(b) - 2 Gayfield Place Edinburgh - LRB Notice of Review & suporting documents_Redacted, opens in new tab
- 6.4(a) - 76 Grassmarket Edinburgh - Decision Notice, Report of Handling & Reps, opens in new tab
- 6.4(b) - 76 Grassmarket Edinburgh - LRB Notice of Review & Support Documents (Part 1 of 2), opens in new tab
- 6.4(b) - 76 Grassmarket Edinburgh - LRB Notice of Review & Support Documents (Part 2 of 2), opens in new tab
- 6.5(a) - 18 Niddrie Mill Terrace - Decision Notice, Report of Handling & Reps, opens in new tab
- 6.5(b) - 18 Niddrie Mill Terrace - LRB Notice of Review Form & Supporting Document (Part 1 of 2), opens in new tab
- 6.5(b) - 18 Niddrie Mill Terrace - LRB Notice of Review Form & Supporting Document (Part 2 of 2), opens in new tab
- 6.5(c) - 18 Niddrie Mill Terrace Edinburgh - Email Confirmation of Correct Address on LRB Form, opens in new tab
- 6.6(a) - 8 Royal Circus Edinburgh - Decision Notice, Report of Handling, Consultation & Reps, opens in new tab
- 6.6(b) - 8 Royal Circus Edinburgh - LRB Notice of Review Form & Supporting Documents, opens in new tab
- 6.7(a) - 6 Stafford Street Edinburgh - Decision Notice, Report of Handling & Rep, opens in new tab
- 6.7(b) - 6 Stafford Street Edinburgh - LRB Notice of Review Form & Supporting Documents, opens in new tab
- 6.8(a) - 198 Willowbrae Road Edinburgh - Decision Notice & Report of Handling, opens in new tab
- 6.8(b) - 198 Willowbrae Road Edinburgh - LRB Notice of Review Form & Supporting Documents, opens in new tab
- 7.1- Extracts of Relevant Policies, opens in new tab
- 8.1(a) - Non-Statutory Guidelines, opens in new tab
- 8.1(b) - Leith CACA, opens in new tab
- 8.1(b) - New_Town_CACA, opens in new tab
- 8.1(b) - Old_Town_CACA, opens in new tab
- 8.1(c) - managing-change-setting, opens in new tab
- 8.1(c) - principles-of-listed-buildings-consent, opens in new tab
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