Development Management Sub-Committee - Wednesday 9 February 2022, 10:00am - City of Edinburgh Council Webcasts
Development Management Sub-Committee
Wednesday, 9th February 2022 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
1. Order of business
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Agenda item :
1 a) Order of Business
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Agenda item :
2 a) Declaration of interests
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Agenda item :
1 a) Order of Business
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2. Declaration of interests
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Agenda item :
3. Minutes
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Agenda item :
3 b) Minute of 19 January 2022
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3 c) Minute of 26 January 2022
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Agenda item :
4. General Applications, Miscellaneous Business and Pre-Application Reports
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4 a) Report for forthcoming application by Breedon Trading Limited. for Proposal of Application Notice at land 177 metres west of Bonnington Mains Quarry, Cliftonhall Road, Newbridge - Development of field located immediately West of Bonnington Mains Quarry for ancillary quarry operations including formation of Screening Bund and Overburden Storage, Water Settlement Ponds, Construction of Workshop and Aggregate Storage Sheds, Aggregate Processing and Storage Area and formation of Carpark and Weighbridge - application no. 21/06730/PAN - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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Agenda item :
4 b) Report for forthcoming application by CASL Eyre Place (Edinburgh) Property Owner Ltd. for Proposal of Application Notice at 72 - 74 Eyre Place, Edinburgh - Proposed demolition of existing buildings and structures and erection of a purpose-built student accommodation development, with associated amenity space, access, cycle parking and landscaping - application no. 21/06729/PAN - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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Agenda item :
4 c) Report for forthcoming application by Cinnamon Sledge LLP. for Proposal of Application Notice at Royal Elizabeth Yard Industrial Estate, Kirkliston - Proposed erection of bonded warehouses, cask filling and disgorging facility with associated tank farm, tanker filling bay, welfare facilities and associated work - application no. 21/06675/PAN - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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Agenda item :
4 d) Report for forthcoming application Host Student Housing Management (UK) & McKay Ltd. for Proposal of Application Notice at 36 - 44 Westfield Road, Edinburgh - Student accommodation (up to 303 bedrooms ) including communal amenity space and allotments/green space along with ancillary facilities - application no. 21/06684/PAN - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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Agenda item :
4 e) 10 Builyeon Road (Land 288 metres southwest of), South Queensferry - Construction of Retail Foodstore (Class 1), Drive-Thru Food and Drink (Class 1+3/Sui Generis) and Petrol Filling Station/Retail Kiosk/Carwash (Class 1/ Sui Generis) together with access, landscaping, parking and associated works - application no. 21/04016/PPP - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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Agenda item :
4 f) 10, Builyeon Road (At land 288 metres southwest of), South Queensferry - Approval of matters specified in condition 1 including the masterplan for 980 new homes, and discharge of conditions 6, 7, 9, 10 and the approval of associated infrastructure to facilitate Masterplan Planning Consent (16/01797/PPP) (as amended) - application no. 21/04019/AMC - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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Agenda item :
4 j) Royal Botanic Garden, 20A Inverleith Row, Edinburgh - Introduction of 3 No. prefabricated cabins and associated works to provide temporary WC facilities due to the closure of existing toilet facilities (as amended) - application no 21/05670/FUL
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Agenda item :
4 k) 25 Marine Drive, Edinburgh - Proposed pavilion including changing rooms and club room, container for goal storage, access road and car park for Craigroyston Community Youth Football Club - application no. 21/05175/FUL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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4 l) 5 Mill Lane (Mill Lane Clinic), Edinburgh - Change of use from dwelling (class 9) to residential institution (class 8) application no. 21/04912/FUL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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4 m) 10 Sciennes Road (Sciennes Primary School), Edinburgh - Erect classroom extension in existing school grounds (as amended) - application no. 21/03389/FUL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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4 n) 19 Watertoun Road (St Crispins Special School), Edinburgh - Demolition of existing school building and construction of new dwellings, a mix of flatted blocks and terraced houses, with associated access roads, carparking and landscaping (as amended) - application no. 21/03813/FUL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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Agenda item :
4 o) Western Harbour, Western Harbour Drive, Edinburgh - Go Green hub and education centre including EV enabled parking, cycle parking, e-bike hire, public transport information displays, public realm and associated infrastructure - application no. 21/03757/PPP - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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Agenda item :
5 a) 4 Barnton Avenue West (At site 90 metres east of), Edinburgh - Erection of retirement accommodation comprising 44 apartments and 4 dwelling houses with associated parking, drainage and landscaping arrangements - application no. 21/00461/FUL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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Agenda item :
5 b) Scotstoun Avenue (Former Agilent Technologies), South Queensferry - Residential development comprising 16 flats with associated car and cycle parking, infrastructure and landscaping (as amended) - application no. 21/00518/FUL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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Agenda item :
7 a) 543A, Lanark Road (Land south of), Edinburgh - Residential development of 4 dwellings, associated roads and infrastructure - application no. 21/01983/FUL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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Agenda item :
7 a) 543A, Lanark Road (Land south of), Edinburgh - Residential development of 4 dwellings, associated roads and infrastructure - application no. 21/01983/FUL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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Agenda item :
4 e) 10 Builyeon Road (Land 288 metres southwest of), South Queensferry - Construction of Retail Foodstore (Class 1), Drive-Thru Food and Drink (Class 1+3/Sui Generis) and Petrol Filling Station/Retail Kiosk/Carwash (Class 1/ Sui Generis) together with access, landscaping, parking and associated works - application no. 21/04016/PPP - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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Agenda item :
4 f) 10, Builyeon Road (At land 288 metres southwest of), South Queensferry - Approval of matters specified in condition 1 including the masterplan for 980 new homes, and discharge of conditions 6, 7, 9, 10 and the approval of associated infrastructure to facilitate Masterplan Planning Consent (16/01797/PPP) (as amended) - application no. 21/04019/AMC - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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Agenda item :
4 f) 10, Builyeon Road (At land 288 metres southwest of), South Queensferry - Approval of matters specified in condition 1 including the masterplan for 980 new homes, and discharge of conditions 6, 7, 9, 10 and the approval of associated infrastructure to facilitate Masterplan Planning Consent (16/01797/PPP) (as amended) - application no. 21/04019/AMC - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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Agenda item :
4 m) 10 Sciennes Road (Sciennes Primary School), Edinburgh - Erect classroom extension in existing school grounds (as amended) - application no. 21/03389/FUL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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Agenda item :
4 n) 19 Watertoun Road (St Crispins Special School), Edinburgh - Demolition of existing school building and construction of new dwellings, a mix of flatted blocks and terraced houses, with associated access roads, carparking and landscaping (as amended) - application no. 21/03813/FUL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
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Agenda item :
4 n) 19 Watertoun Road (St Crispins Special School), Edinburgh - Demolition of existing school building and construction of new dwellings, a mix of flatted blocks and terraced houses, with associated access roads, carparking and landscaping (as amended) - application no. 21/03813/FUL - Report by the Chief Planning Officer
- 3.1 - Minute 12 January 2022, opens in new tab
- 3.2 - Minute 19 January 2022, opens in new tab
- 3.3 - Minute 26 January 2022, opens in new tab
- 4.2 - 21 06730 PAN Bonnington Mains Quarry land west of, opens in new tab
- 4.1 - 21 06729 PAN 72-74 Eyre Place, opens in new tab
- 4.3 - 21 06675 PAN Royal Elizabeth Yard Ind Estate, opens in new tab
- 4.4 - 21 06684 PAN 36-44 Westfield Road, opens in new tab
- 4.5 - 21 04016 PPP Builyeon Road, opens in new tab
- 4.6 - 21 04019 AMC Builyeon Road, opens in new tab
- 4.7 - 21 01334 AMC unit 1 146 Duddingston Road West, opens in new tab
- 4.8 - 21 06532 FUL Festival Square, opens in new tab
- 4.9 - 21 04116 FUL 6 Hugh Russell Place South Queensferry, opens in new tab
- 4.10 - 21 05670 FUL Botanic Garden Inverleith Row, opens in new tab
- 4.11 - 21 05175 FUL Marine Drive, opens in new tab
- 4.12 - 21 04912 FUL 5 Mill Lane, opens in new tab
- 4.13 - 21 03389 FUL Sciennes Primary School, opens in new tab
- 4.14 - 21 03813 FUL St Crispins School, opens in new tab
- 4.15 - 21 03757 PPP Western Harbour, opens in new tab
- 5.1 - 21 00461 FUL Barnton Ave West, opens in new tab
- 5.2 - 21 00518 FUL Scotstoun Avenue, opens in new tab
- 7.1 - 2101983FUL 543A Lanark Road land south of, opens in new tab