Governance, Risk and Best Value Committee - Tuesday 11 October 2022, 10:00am - City of Edinburgh Council Webcasts
Governance, Risk and Best Value Committee
Tuesday, 11th October 2022 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Kate Campbell
Natalie Le Couteur
Natalie Le Couteur
Agenda item :
1. Order of Business
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Agenda item :
1 a) Order of Business
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Cllr Kate Campbell
Natalie Le Couteur
Cllr Kate Campbell
Natalie Le Couteur
Agenda item :
2. Declaration of Interests
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Agenda item :
2 a) Declaration of Interests
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Natalie Le Couteur
Agenda item :
3. Deputations
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Agenda item :
3 a) Deputations
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Agenda item :
4. Minutes
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Agenda item :
4 a) Minutes
Agenda item :
4 b) Minutes
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Natalie Le Couteur
Cllr Kate Campbell
Natalie Le Couteur
Agenda item :
5. Outstanding Actions
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Agenda item :
5 a) Outstanding Actions
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Cllr Joanna Mowat
Richard Carr
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Stephen Jenkinson
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Stephen Jenkinson
Gareth Barwell
Cllr Stephen Jenkinson
Cllr Kate Campbell
Agenda item :
6. Work Programme
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Agenda item :
6 a) Work Programme
Agenda item :
7. Business Bulletin
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Natalie Le Couteur
Agenda item :
7 a) Business Bulletin
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Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Phil Doggart
Nick Smith (Head of Legal and Risk)
Gavin King (Democracy, Governance and Resilience Senior
Cllr Phil Doggart
Gavin King (Democracy, Governance and Resilience Senior
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Kate Campbell
Gavin King (Democracy, Governance and Resilience Senior
Cllr Kate Campbell
Gavin King (Democracy, Governance and Resilience Senior
Cllr Kate Campbell
Gavin King (Democracy, Governance and Resilience Senior
Cllr Kate Campbell
Agenda item :
8. Reports
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Agenda item :
8 a) Internal Audit: The Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors - External Quality Assessment
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Natalie Le Couteur
Nick Smith (Head of Legal and Risk)
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Stephen Jenkinson
Cllr Stephen Jenkinson
Nick Smith (Head of Legal and Risk)
Cllr Stephen Jenkinson
Nick Smith (Head of Legal and Risk)
Cllr Stephen Jenkinson
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Nick Smith (Head of Legal and Risk)
Richard Carr
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Nick Smith (Head of Legal and Risk)
Cllr Kate Campbell
Nick Smith (Head of Legal and Risk)
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Katrina Faccenda
Richard Carr
Nick Smith (Head of Legal and Risk)
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Richard Carr
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Stephen Jenkinson
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Kate Campbell
Richard Carr
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Stephen Jenkinson
Cllr Kate Campbell
Richard Carr
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Edward Thornley
Richard Carr
Cllr Kate Campbell
Agenda item :
8 b) Internal Audit: Open and Overdue IA Findings – Performance Dashboard as at 31 August 2022
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Natalie Le Couteur
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Stephen Jenkinson
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Kate Campbell
Gareth Barwell
Cllr Kate Campbell
Agenda item :
8 c) Internal Audit Update Report: 1 May to 31 August 2022
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Natalie Le Couteur
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Stephen Jenkinson
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Stephen Jenkinson
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Stephen Jenkinson
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Stephen Jenkinson
Cllr Kate Campbell
Richard Carr
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Phil Doggart
Nick Smith (Head of Legal and Risk)
Cllr Kate Campbell
Nick Smith (Head of Legal and Risk)
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Phil Doggart
Nick Smith (Head of Legal and Risk)
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Jule Bandel
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Kate Campbell
Richard Carr
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Cllr Kate Campbell
Richard Carr
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Stephen Jenkinson
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Stephen Jenkinson
Cllr Stephen Jenkinson
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Stephen Jenkinson
Cllr Kate Campbell
Gareth Barwell
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Gareth Barwell
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Cllr Kate Campbell
Natalie Le Couteur
Cllr Kate Campbell
Agenda item :
8 c) Internal Audit Update Report: 1 May to 31 August 2022
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Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Kate Campbell
Natalie Le Couteur
Agenda item :
8 d) Corporate Leadership Team Risk Report as at 29 August 2022
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Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Kate Campbell
Richard Carr
Cllr Kate Campbell
Richard Carr
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Kate Campbell
Richard Carr
Cllr Kate Campbell
Richard Carr
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Jule Bandel
Richard Carr
Cllr Jule Bandel
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Lewis Younie
Cllr Lewis Younie
Cllr Kate Campbell
Nick Smith (Head of Legal and Risk)
Richard Carr
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Katrina Faccenda
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Katrina Faccenda
Richard Carr
Cllr Katrina Faccenda
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Richard Carr
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Richard Carr
Cllr Kate Campbell
Richard Carr
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Phil Doggart
Richard Carr
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Stephen Jenkinson
Richard Carr
Cllr Stephen Jenkinson
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Richard Carr
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Richard Carr
Cllr Kate Campbell
Richard Carr
Cllr Kate Campbell
Richard Carr
Cllr Kate Campbell
Natalie Le Couteur
Agenda item :
8 e) Revenue Monitoring 2021/22 – outturn report – referral from the Finance and Resources Committee
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Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Kate Campbell
Natalie Le Couteur
Cllr Kate Campbell
Natalie Le Couteur
Agenda item :
8 f) Treasury Management: Annual Report 2021/22 – referral from the Finance and Resources Committee
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Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Kate Campbell
Natalie Le Couteur
Agenda item :
8 g) Accounts Commission: Local Government in Scotland – Financial Overview 2020/21 – referral from the Finance and Resources Committee
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Cllr Kate Campbell
Natalie Le Couteur
Agenda item :
8 h) Revenue Monitoring 2022/23 – month three position – referral from the Finance and Resources Committee
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Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Lewis Younie
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Ben Parker
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Kate Campbell
Natalie Le Couteur
Agenda item :
8 i) 2022-32 Sustainable Capital Budget Strategy – Outturn 2021/22 and Revised Budget 2022/23 – referral from the Finance and Resources Committee
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Cllr Kate Campbell
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Kate Campbell
Natalie Le Couteur
Agenda item :
8 j) Revenue Budget Framework 2023/27: progress update – referral from the Finance and Resources Committee
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Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Stephen Jenkinson
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Stephen Jenkinson
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Stephen Jenkinson
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Katrina Faccenda
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Gareth Barwell
Cllr Kate Campbell
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Lewis Younie
Hugh Dunn (Head of Finance)
Cllr Kate Campbell
Natalie Le Couteur
Agenda item :
8 k) Internal Audit Annual Plan 2022-23 - referral from the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board Audit and Assurance Committee
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Cllr Kate Campbell
Natalie Le Couteur
Agenda item :
8 l) Internal Audit Charter 2022-23 - referral from the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board Audit and Assurance Committee
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Cllr Kate Campbell
Natalie Le Couteur
Agenda item :
9. Motions
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Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Lewis Younie
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Jule Bandel
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Edward Thornley
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Katrina Faccenda
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Kate Campbell
Natalie Le Couteur
Cllr Kate Campbell
- Full Meeting Papers - Governance, Risk and Best Committee - 11 October 2022, opens in new tab
- 4.1 - Minute of 23 August 2022 - GRBV - 11 October 2022, opens in new tab
- 4.2 - Minute of 14 December 2021 (V2) - GRBV - 11 October 2022, opens in new tab
- 5.1 - Outstanding Actions - GRBV - 11 October 2022, opens in new tab
- 6.1 - Work Programme - GBRV - 11 October 2022, opens in new tab
- 7.1 - Business Bulletin - GRBV - 11 October 2022, opens in new tab
- 8.1 - Internal Audit The Chartered Institute of Internal, opens in new tab
- 8.2 - Internal Audit Open and Overdue IA Findings, opens in new tab
- 8.3 - Internal Audit Update Report 1 May to 31 August 2022, opens in new tab
- 8.3.1 - Housing Property Services Repairs Management during Covid-19 (PL2107) – Service Area Response, opens in new tab
- 8.3.2 - Parking and Traffic Regulation (PL2002) – Service Area Response, opens in new tab
- 8.4 - Corporate Leadership Team Risk Report as at 29 August 2022, opens in new tab
- 8.5 - Revenue Monitoring 202122 – outturn report - referral from F&R to GRBV, opens in new tab
- 8.6 - Treasury Management Annual Report 202122 - referral from F&R to GRBV, opens in new tab
- 8.7 - Accounts Commission Local Government in Scotland – referral from F&R to GRBV, opens in new tab
- 8.8 - Revenue Monitoring 202223 – month three position – referral from F&R to GRBV, opens in new tab
- 8.9 - 2022-32 Sustainable Capital Budget Strategy – Outturn – referral from F&R to GRBV, opens in new tab
- 8.10 - Revenue Budget Framework 202327 progress update – referral from F&R to GRBV, opens in new tab
- 8.11 - Internal Audit Annual Plan 2022-23 - Referral from A&A to GRBV, opens in new tab
- 8.12 - Internal Audit Charter 2022-23 - Referral from A&A to GRBV, opens in new tab
- Emergency Motion - Edinburgh's Christmas - SNP Greens Lib Dems - GRBV - 11 October, opens in new tab
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