Finance and Resources Committee - Thursday 25 January 2024, 10:00am - City of Edinburgh Council Webcasts
Finance and Resources Committee
Thursday, 25th January 2024 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Mandy Watt
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr James Dalgleish
Cllr Hal Osler
Cllr James Dalgleish
Cllr Hal Osler
Cllr Mandy Watt
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
1. Order of business
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Agenda item :
1 a) Order of business
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Cllr James Dalgleish
Cllr James Dalgleish
Webcast Finished
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
2. Declaration of interests
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Agenda item :
2 a) Declaration of interests
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Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
3. Deputations
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Cllr Iain Whyte
Cllr Mandy Watt
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Agenda item :
3 a) Deputations
Share this agenda point
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lewis Younie
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
4. Minutes
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Agenda item :
4 a) Minutes
Agenda item :
5. Forward Planning
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Agenda item :
5 a) Work Programme
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Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Agenda item :
5 b) Rolling Actions Log
Share this agenda point
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Mike Massaro-Mallinson
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Mike Massaro-Mallinson
Cllr Mandy Watt
Mike Massaro-Mallinson
Agenda item :
6. Business Bulletin
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Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
6 a) Business Bulletin
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Cllr Mandy Watt
Mike Massaro-Mallinson
Cllr Alex Staniforth
Cllr Mandy Watt
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Alys Mumford
Peter Watton
Cllr Mandy Watt
Agenda item :
7. Executive Decisions
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Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
7 a) Revenue Monitoring 2023/24 - Month Eight Report
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Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alex Staniforth
Cllr Mandy Watt
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Mandy Watt
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Peter Watton
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Peter Watton
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Agenda item :
7 b) Revenue Budget Strategy and Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) - Progress Update
Share this agenda point
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lewis Younie
Cllr Mandy Watt
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Andrew Kerr (Chief Executive)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alex Staniforth
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Iain Whyte
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Deborah Smart
Cllr Iain Whyte
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Iain Whyte
Deborah Smart
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Iain Whyte
Deborah Smart
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Neil Ross
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Alys Mumford
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Alys Mumford
Deborah Smart
Cllr Alys Mumford
Deborah Smart
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Deborah Smart
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alex Staniforth
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr James Dalgleish
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Alex Staniforth
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Iain Whyte
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Iain Whyte
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Agenda item :
7 c) Capital Monitoring 2023-24 - Month Seven Position
Share this agenda point
Cllr Mandy Watt
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Iain Whyte
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Iain Whyte
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Agenda item :
7 d) Corporate Services Directorate: Revenue Budget Monitoring 2023/24 - Month Eight Position
Share this agenda point
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Alys Mumford
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Agenda item :
7 e) Council Tax 2nd Homes
Share this agenda point
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Iain Whyte
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Graeme Bruce
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr James Dalgleish
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Iain Whyte
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr James Dalgleish
Cllr James Dalgleish
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Graeme Bruce
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr James Dalgleish
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Graeme Bruce
Cllr Iain Whyte
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Alex Staniforth
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Graeme Bruce
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
7 f) Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Update
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Peter Watton
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lewis Younie
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lewis Younie
Peter Watton
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Peter Watton
Cllr Alys Mumford
Peter Watton
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Peter Watton
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Agenda item :
7 g) Heat Networks Delivery Model
Share this agenda point
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Graeme Bruce
Cllr Graeme Bruce
Cllr Mandy Watt
Agenda item :
7 h) Glenarm Place, Western Harbour, Edinburgh – Proposed Acquisition of Completed Homes
Share this agenda point
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Iain Whyte
Cllr Iain Whyte
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Iain Whyte
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lewis Younie
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr James Dalgleish
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Marco Biagi
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
7 i) Homelessness Services Use of Temporary Accommodation
Share this agenda point
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Iain Whyte
Cllr Iain Whyte
Cllr Iain Whyte
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Iain Whyte
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr James Dalgleish
Cllr Iain Whyte
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Graeme Bruce
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Iain Whyte
Cllr Mandy Watt
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Agenda item :
7 i) Homelessness Services Use of Temporary Accommodation
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Cllr Mandy Watt
Agenda item :
7 j) Award of Contracts for Homelessness Support Services
Share this agenda point
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Iain Whyte
Cllr Mandy Watt
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
7 k) Health and Social Care Contract Extension Report
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Cllr Mandy Watt
Mike Massaro-Mallinson
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Mike Massaro-Mallinson
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Mike Massaro-Mallinson
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Iain Whyte
Mike Massaro-Mallinson
Cllr Iain Whyte
Mike Massaro-Mallinson
Cllr Iain Whyte
Mike Massaro-Mallinson
Cllr Mandy Watt
Mike Massaro-Mallinson
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Mike Massaro-Mallinson
Cllr Alys Mumford
Mike Massaro-Mallinson
Cllr Alys Mumford
Mike Massaro-Mallinson
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
7 l) Internal Audit Open and Overdue Internal Audit Actions – Performance Dashboard as at 31 October 2023 - referral from the Governance Risk and Best
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Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Alys Mumford
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Alys Mumford
Deborah Smart
Cllr Alys Mumford
Deborah Smart
Cllr Alys Mumford
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Mandy Watt
Deborah Smart
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Deborah Smart
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Agenda item :
7 m) Night Time Co-ordinator - referral from the Policy and Sustainability Committee
Share this agenda point
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr James Dalgleish
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alex Staniforth
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Graeme Bruce
Cllr Iain Whyte
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Agenda item :
8. Routine Decisions
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Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
8 b) Cost recovery from Commercial Events
Share this agenda point
Cllr Mandy Watt
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr James Dalgleish
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Marco Biagi
Cllr Mandy Watt
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
8 d) Procurement Delivery Plan 2023/24 - January Update
Share this agenda point
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Mike Massaro-Mallinson
Cllr Alys Mumford
Mike Massaro-Mallinson
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Mandy Watt
Richard Lloyd-Bithell
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr James Dalgleish
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Iain Whyte
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Iain Whyte
Cllr Mandy Watt
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
8 f) 181-183 Canongate, Edinburgh – Proposed New Lease
Share this agenda point
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alex Staniforth
Cllr Mandy Watt
Peter Watton
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Peter Watton
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lewis Younie
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lewis Younie
Cllr Mandy Watt
Peter Watton
Cllr Mandy Watt
Peter Watton
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Peter Watton
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Marco Biagi
Peter Watton
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Marco Biagi
Peter Watton
Cllr Marco Biagi
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Marco Biagi
Peter Watton
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Peter Watton
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr James Dalgleish
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Marco Biagi
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Iain Whyte
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Iain Whyte
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lewis Younie
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Marco Biagi
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Marco Biagi
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Marco Biagi
Cllr Marco Biagi
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Marco Biagi
Cllr Mandy Watt
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Agenda item :
8 f) 181-183 Canongate, Edinburgh – Proposed New Lease
Share this agenda point
Cllr Mandy Watt
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Graeme Bruce
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Alys Mumford
Agenda item :
8 a) Workforce Dashboard
Share this agenda point
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lesley Macinnes
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Iain Whyte
- Item 4.1 - Minute of 21 November 2023 - F&R, opens in new tab
- Item 5.1 - Work Programme - 25.01.24, opens in new tab
- Item 5.2 - Rolling Actions Log - 25.01.24, opens in new tab
- Item 6.1 - Business Bulletin v2, opens in new tab
- Item 7.1 - Revenue Monitoring 2023-24 – Month Eight Report, opens in new tab
- Item 7.2 - Revenue Budget Framework and Medium-Term Financial Plan (MTFP) 2024-29 - Progress Update, opens in new tab
- Item 7.3 - Capital Monitoring 2023-24 - Month Seven Position, opens in new tab
- Item 7.4 - Corporate Services Directorate Revenue Budget Monitoring 2023-24 – Month Eight position, opens in new tab
- Item 7.5 - Council Tax - Second Homes, opens in new tab
- Item 7.6 - Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Update, opens in new tab
- Item 7.7 - Heat Networks Delivery Model, opens in new tab
- Item 7.8 - Glenarm Place, Western Harbour, Edinburgh – Proposed Acquisition of Completed Homes, opens in new tab
- Item 7.9 - Homelessness Services Use of Temporary Accommodation, opens in new tab
- Item 7.10 - Award of Contracts for Homelessness Support Services, opens in new tab
- Item 7.11 - Health Social Care Contract Extension Report, opens in new tab
- Item 7.12 - Internal Audit Open and Overdue Internal Audit Actions - Performance Dashboard as at 31 Octomer 2023 - referral from the GRBV Committee, opens in new tab
- Item 7.13 - Night Time Co-ordinator - referral from the Policy and Sustainability Committee, opens in new tab
- Item 8.1 - Workforce Dashboard, opens in new tab
- Item 8.2 - Cost Recovery from Commercial Events, opens in new tab
- Item 8.3 - Craigmillar and Peffermill Court, Design and Development Commission for Full Block Upgrade and Improvement – Contract Variation, opens in new tab
- Item 8.4 - Procurement Delivery Plan 2023-2024 - January Update, opens in new tab
- Item 8.5 - Dynamic Purchasing System for Provision of Supported Bus Services, opens in new tab
- Item 8.6 - 181-183 Canongate, Edinburgh - Proposed New Lease, opens in new tab
- Item 8.7 - Unit 4 Bonnington Business Centre, Jane Street, Edinburgh - Proposed New Lease, opens in new tab
- Item 8.8 - Union Park Saughton Road North - Proposed New Lease, opens in new tab
- Item 8.9 - Lauriston Castle Croquet Lawns, Edinburgh - Proposed New Lease, opens in new tab
- Item 8.10 - New Maybury Primary School and Health Centre – Proposed New Lease to NHS Lothian, opens in new tab
- Item 8.11 - 24 South Gyle Crescent, Edinburgh - Proposed Lease Extension, opens in new tab
- Item 8.12 - Water of Leith Walkway Gillespie Road - Proposed Deed of Servitude, opens in new tab
- Item 8.13 - Land at West Shore Road - Proposed Acquisition, opens in new tab
- Item 8.14 - Gracemount Mansion, 47 Gracemount House Drive, Edinburgh - Proposed Community Asset Transfer, opens in new tab
- Motions and Amendments (Public) - Finance and Resources Committee - 25.01.24, opens in new tab
- Deputations List - 25.01.24, opens in new tab

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