Finance and Resources Committee - Tuesday 25 April 2023, 10:00am - Resources Tab - City of Edinburgh Council Webcasts
Finance and Resources Committee
Tuesday, 25th April 2023 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Mandy Watt
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Agenda item :
1. Order of business
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Agenda item :
1 a) Order of business
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Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Agenda item :
2. Declaration of interests
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Agenda item :
2 a) Declaration of interests
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Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Phil Doggart
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
3. Deputations
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Agenda item :
3 a) Deputations
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Agenda item :
4. Minutes
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Agenda item :
4 a) Minute of 7 February 2023
Agenda item :
4 b) Minute of 10 March 2023
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Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Agenda item :
4 c) Minute of 30 March 2023
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Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Neil Ross
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
5. Forward Planning
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Agenda item :
5 a) Work Programme
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Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
5 b) Rolling Actions Log
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Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Agenda item :
6. Business Bulletin
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Cllr Mandy Watt
Agenda item :
6 a) Business Bulletin
Share this agenda point
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Paul Lawrence
Paul Lawrence
Paul Lawrence
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
7. Executive Decisions
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Agenda item :
7 a) Royal Visits
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Agenda item :
7 b) Participatory Budgeting (PB) Progress Report
Agenda item :
7 a) Royal Visits
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Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Agenda item :
7 b) Participatory Budgeting (PB) Progress Report
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Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Euan Hyslop
Deborah Smart
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Euan Hyslop
Deborah Smart
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Joan Griffiths
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Joan Griffiths
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Joan Griffiths
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Agenda item :
7 c) Edinburgh Integration Joint Board Financial Update
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Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lewis Younie
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lewis Younie
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lewis Younie
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Paul Lawrence
Cllr Mandy Watt
Paul Lawrence
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Adam Nols-McVey
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Joan Griffiths
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Agenda item :
7 c) Edinburgh Integration Joint Board Financial Update
Agenda item :
7 d) Workforce Dashboard
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Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lewis Younie
Deborah Smart
Cllr Lewis Younie
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Lewis Younie
Deborah Smart
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Euan Hyslop
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Euan Hyslop
Cllr Euan Hyslop
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Paul Lawrence
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Paul Lawrence
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Phil Doggart
Paul Lawrence
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Euan Hyslop
Deborah Smart
Cllr Mandy Watt
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
7 e) Workforce Dashboard with Maximising Our Capability and Performance Deep Dive
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Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
7 f) Award of the Lettings, Management and Maintenance Contract for Edinburgh Living
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Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Adam Nols-McVey
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Adam Nols-McVey
Cllr Adam Nols-McVey
Cllr Adam Nols-McVey
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Euan Hyslop
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Euan Hyslop
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Joan Griffiths
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Adam Nols-McVey
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Agenda item :
7 g) Transportation of Food Containers
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Cllr Mandy Watt
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Agenda item :
7 h) Contract Award for the Provision of Specialist Day and Residential Support for Children and Young People with a Disability
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Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Cllr Mandy Watt
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
7 i) Assessment of Pupil Progress in Literacy and Maths Attainment - Extension via Waiver of Contract Standing Orders
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Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Agenda item :
7 i) Assessment of Pupil Progress in Literacy and Maths Attainment - Extension via Waiver of Contract Standing Orders
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Cllr Mandy Watt
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
8 i) South Bridge Resource Centre, 6 Infirmary Street, Edinburgh – Future Strategy
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Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Neil Ross
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Joan Griffiths
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Phil Doggart
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Mandy Watt
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Mandy Watt
Agenda item :
8 j) Westfield House, 5 Kirk Loan, Edinburgh - Community Asset Transfer
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Agenda item :
9. Motions
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Agenda item :
9 a) None.
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Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
10. Resolution to Consider in Private
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Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
- 4.1 - Minute of 7 February 2023 - F&R, opens in new tab
- 4.2 - Minute of 10 March 2023 - F&R, opens in new tab
- 4.3 - Minute of 30 March 2023 - F&R, opens in new tab
- 5.1 - Work Programme, opens in new tab
- 5.2 - Rolling Actions Log - 25.04.23, opens in new tab
- 6.1 - Business Bulletin 25.04.23, opens in new tab
- 7.1 - Royal Visits, opens in new tab
- 7.2 - Participatory Budgeting Progress Report, opens in new tab
- 7.3 - EIJB Financial Update, opens in new tab
- 7.4 - Workforce Dashboard, opens in new tab
- 7.5 - Workforce Dashboard with Maximising Our Capability, opens in new tab
- 7.6 - Award of Lettings, Management and Maintenance Contract, opens in new tab
- 7.7 - Transportation of Food Containers, opens in new tab
- 7.8 - Contract Award for the provision of Specialist Day and Residential Support for Children and Young People with a Disability Full Commitee, opens in new tab
- 7.9 - Assessment of Pupil Progress in Literacy and Maths Attainment - Extension via Waiver of Contract Standing Orders Full Committee, opens in new tab
- 8.1 - Contract Awards and Procurement Programme, opens in new tab
- 8.2 - Health and Safety Performance 2022, opens in new tab
- 8.3 - Award of Edinburgh Factoring Framework Agreement, opens in new tab
- 8.4 - 82 Canongate, Edinburgh - Proposed New Lease, opens in new tab
- 8.5 - Units 1 - 3 Peffermill Parc, Edinburgh - Proposed Lease Extension, opens in new tab
- 8.6 - Land at Port Edgar - Proposed Disposal, opens in new tab
- 8.7 - 37 Leith Street - Proposed New Lease, opens in new tab
- 8.8 - Land at 67 Pilrig Park - Proposed Disposal, opens in new tab
- 8.9 - South Bridge Resource Centre, 6 Infirmary Street,, opens in new tab
- 8.10 - Westfield House Community Asset Transfer, opens in new tab
- Motions and Amendments - Finance and Resources Committee - 25.04.23, opens in new tab
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