Policy and Sustainability Committee - Tuesday 11 March 2025, 10:00am - City of Edinburgh Council Webcasts
Policy and Sustainability Committee
Tuesday, 11th March 2025 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Jane Meagher
Agenda item :
1 a) Order of Business
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Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Jane Meagher
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
. Deputation
Cllr Jane Meagher
Agenda item :
3 a) Deputations
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Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
. Deputation
Cllr Jane Meagher
. Deputation
Cllr Mandy Watt
. Deputation
Cllr Mandy Watt
. Deputation
. Deputation
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Claire Miller
. Deputation
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Jane Meagher
. Deputation
. Deputation
. Deputation
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alex Staniforth
. Deputation
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
. Deputation
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
. Deputation
Cllr Jane Meagher
. Deputation
Cllr Mandy Watt
. Deputation
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Jane Meagher
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
4. Minutes
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Agenda item :
4 a) Minutes
Agenda item :
4 b) Minutes
Agenda item :
5. Forward Planning
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Agenda item :
5 a) Work Programme
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Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Jane Meagher
Deborah Smart
Cllr Jane Meagher
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Jane Meagher
Deborah Smart
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Jane Meagher
Gareth Barwell
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Chas Booth
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alex Staniforth
Cllr Jane Meagher
Paul Lawrence
Cllr Jane Meagher
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Danny Aston
Christine Laverty
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Danny Aston
Agenda item :
5 b) Rolling Actions Log
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Agenda item :
6 a) Business Bulletin
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Deborah Smart
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Danny Aston
Gavin King (Democracy, Governance and Resilience Senior
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Kevin Lang
Cllr Jane Meagher
Paul Lawrence
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Simita Kumar
Cllr Simita Kumar
Paul Lawrence
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Kevin Lang
Paul Lawrence
Cllr Jane Meagher
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
7. Executive Decisions
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Cllr Jane Meagher
. Deputation
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Simita Kumar
. Deputation
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Kate Campbell
. Deputation
Cllr Kate Campbell
. Deputation
Cllr Simita Kumar
. Deputation
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alex Staniforth
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Margaret Arma Graham
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Simita Kumar
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Agenda item :
7 b) Climate Ready Edinburgh Implementation Plan
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Cllr Jane Meagher
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Danny Aston
Cllr Danny Aston
Cllr Simita Kumar
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Simita Kumar
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Paul Lawrence
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alys Mumford
Gareth Barwell
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Jane Meagher
Amanda Hatton
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Iain Whyte
Amanda Hatton
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Iain Whyte
Cllr Chas Booth
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Simita Kumar
Cllr Alan Beal
Cllr Jane Meagher
Amanda Hatton
Cllr Jane Meagher
Amanda Hatton
Paul Lawrence
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Simita Kumar
Cllr Jane Meagher
Paul Lawrence
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Margaret Arma Graham
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Paul Lawrence
Amanda Hatton
Cllr Jane Meagher
Agenda item :
7 b) Climate Ready Edinburgh Implementation Plan
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Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Danny Aston
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Sanne Dijkstra-Downie
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Kevin Lang
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Chas Booth
Cllr Alex Staniforth
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Danny Aston
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Jane Meagher
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
7 c) Supporting the Third Sector
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Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Kevin Lang
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Simita Kumar
Gavin King (Democracy, Governance and Resilience Senior
Cllr Simita Kumar
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Simita Kumar
Paul Lawrence
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alan Beal
Paul Lawrence
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Chas Booth
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Kate Campbell
Paul Lawrence
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Gillie Severin
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Gavin King (Democracy, Governance and Resilience Senior
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Alys Mumford
Gillie Severin
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alys Mumford
Gillie Severin
Paul Lawrence
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Kevin Lang
Cllr Kevin Lang
Paul Lawrence
Cllr Kevin Lang
Gavin King (Democracy, Governance and Resilience Senior
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Danny Aston
Cllr Danny Aston
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Lezley Marion Cameron
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Lezley Marion Cameron
Cllr Lezley Marion Cameron
Agenda item :
7 c) Supporting the Third Sector
Share this agenda point
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Simita Kumar
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Simita Kumar
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Simita Kumar
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Simita Kumar
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alan Beal
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Simita Kumar
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Cllr Simita Kumar
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Simita Kumar
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Agenda item :
7 d) Equality and Diversity Framework 2021- 2025 – Final Progress and Mainstreaming Report and Future Development
Share this agenda point
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alex Staniforth
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Jane Meagher
Agenda item :
7 e) Cruise Ship Levy
Share this agenda point
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Lezley Marion Cameron
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Iain Whyte
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Danny Aston
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Kevin Lang
Cllr Kevin Lang
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Chas Booth
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Sanne Dijkstra-Downie
Cllr Sanne Dijkstra-Downie
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Chas Booth
Cllr Danny Aston
Cllr Jane Meagher
Gavin King (Democracy, Governance and Resilience Senior
Cllr Danny Aston
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Iain Whyte
Cllr Jane Meagher
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
7 f) Edinburgh Integration Joint Board Draft Strategic Plan
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Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alys Mumford
Gillie Severin
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Kevin Lang
Gillie Severin
Cllr Kevin Lang
Gillie Severin
Gavin King (Democracy, Governance and Resilience Senior
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Gillie Severin
Paul Lawrence
Paul Lawrence
Christine Laverty
Paul Lawrence
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Paul Lawrence
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alys Mumford
Gillie Severin
Gavin King (Democracy, Governance and Resilience Senior
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Simita Kumar
Gillie Severin
Paul Lawrence
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Cllr Simita Kumar
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alan Beal
Cllr Kevin Lang
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Iain Whyte
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Joanna Mowat
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Simita Kumar
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Simita Kumar
Cllr Simita Kumar
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Simita Kumar
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Simita Kumar
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Simita Kumar
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Jane Meagher
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Jane Meagher
Agenda item :
7 f) Edinburgh Integration Joint Board Draft Strategic Plan
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Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Jane Meagher
Agenda item :
7 i) Chief Social Work Officer Report
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Rose Howley
Cllr Alys Mumford
Rose Howley
Cllr Jane Meagher
Rose Howley
Cllr Jane Meagher
Rose Howley
Cllr Jane Meagher
Rose Howley
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
7 j) Adult Support and Protection and Social Work & Social Care Inspections Improvement Plan: Progress Report
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Cllr Jane Meagher
. Deputation
Cllr Jane Meagher
. Deputation
Cllr Jane Meagher
. Deputation
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alys Mumford
. Deputation
. Deputation
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
. Deputation
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Kevin Lang
. Deputation
Rose Howley
Cllr Jane Meagher
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
7 g) Update Report – All Party Motion
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Gavin King (Democracy, Governance and Resilience Senior
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Jane Meagher
Gavin King (Democracy, Governance and Resilience Senior
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Simita Kumar
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Simita Kumar
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Kate Campbell
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alex Staniforth
Cllr Vicky Nicolson
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
7 h) Disclosure Scotland and Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme – Elected Members
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Gavin King (Democracy, Governance and Resilience Senior
Cllr Jane Meagher
Gavin King (Democracy, Governance and Resilience Senior
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
7 k) Edinburgh Integration Joint Board Update Report
Share this agenda point
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
7 l) General Power of Competency
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Cllr Jane Meagher
Deborah Smart
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Danny Aston
Deborah Smart
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Mandy Watt
Paul Lawrence
Gareth Barwell
Cllr Jane Meagher
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
7 m) International Travel - Customer Services
Share this agenda point
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Chas Booth
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alex Staniforth
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Chas Booth
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Simita Kumar
Cllr Jane Meagher
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
7 n) International Travel to Milan for CircHive Project
Share this agenda point
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Chas Booth
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Mandy Watt
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Chas Booth
Cllr Jane Meagher
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
7 o) Attendance at UKREiiF 2025
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Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Chas Booth
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alex Staniforth
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Agenda item :
8. Policy Decisions
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Cllr Chas Booth
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Jane Meagher
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
8 a) Employment Policies - HR Assurance Statement
Share this agenda point
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Jane Meagher
Agenda item :
8 b) Legal and Assurance - Policy Assurance Statement
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Agenda item :
8 c) Annual Policy Update - Consultation and Engagement Policy
Share this agenda point
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Sanne Dijkstra-Downie
Gillie Severin
. Deputation
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alys Mumford
. Deputation
Cllr Alys Mumford
. Deputation
Cllr Alys Mumford
Gillie Severin
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Joanna Mowat
. Deputation
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Chas Booth
. Deputation
Cllr Chas Booth
Cllr Jane Meagher
. Deputation
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alan Beal
Cllr Alan Beal
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alan Beal
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Simita Kumar
. Deputation
Gillie Severin
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Kevin Lang
. Deputation
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Lezley Marion Cameron
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Chas Booth
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alys Mumford
Cllr Jane Meagher
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Agenda item :
8 d) Equality Policy - Workforce
Agenda item :
8 e) Digital and Smart City Strategy 2024-2027 - Update
Share this agenda point
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Chas Booth
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Alex Staniforth
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Jane Meagher
Jamie Macrae (Clerk)
Cllr Jane Meagher
Cllr Mandy Watt
Agenda item :
9. Routine Decisions
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Cllr Jane Meagher
Agenda item :
9 a) Internal Audit Open and Overdue Internal Audit Actions - Performance Dashboard as at 7 January 2025
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Webcast Finished
- 4.1 - Minute - 10 December 2024, opens in new tab
- 4.2 Minute - 17 December 2024 (Special), opens in new tab
- 5.1 P&S Work Programme - 11.03.2025, opens in new tab
- 5.2 Rolling Actions Log - 11 March 2025, opens in new tab
- 6.1 V2 March P&S Business Bulletin, opens in new tab
- 7.1 BSL report, opens in new tab
- 7.2 Climate Ready Edinburgh Implementation Plan with appendices, opens in new tab
- 7.3 V2 Supporting the third sector v1.1, opens in new tab
- 7.4 Equality and Diversity Framework 2021- 2025 – Final Progress and Mainstreaming Report and Future Development, opens in new tab
- 7.5 V2 Cruise Ship Levy PS committee 11 March 2025_final, opens in new tab
- 7.6 Edinburgh Integration Joint Board Draft Strategic Plan, opens in new tab
- 7.7 V2 EIJB All Party Motion, opens in new tab
- 7.8 Disclosure Scotland March 25 updated, opens in new tab
- 7.9 Chief Social Work Officer Report, opens in new tab
- 7.10 Adult Support and Protection and Social Work & Social, opens in new tab
- 7.11 EIJB Update Report March 2025 Final Version, opens in new tab
- 7.12 GPOC PS committee 11 March 2025, opens in new tab
- 7.13 PS March 25 Internationaltravel Report_Final, opens in new tab
- 7.14 International Travel to Milan for CircHive Project, opens in new tab
- 7.15 Attendance at UKREiiF 2025-FINAL, opens in new tab
- 8.1 Employment Policies - HR Assurance Statement, opens in new tab
- 8.2 Legal and Assurance - Policy Assurance Statement, opens in new tab
- 8.3 Annual Policy Update - Consultation and Engagement, opens in new tab
- 8.4 Equality Policy - Workforce, opens in new tab
- 8.5 Digital and Smart City Strategy 2024-2027 - Update, opens in new tab
- 9.1 IA Open and Overdue Internal Audit Actions – Performance Dashboard as at 7 January 2025 - referral from GRBV, opens in new tab
- Ward & Special Interest Callings - P&S - 11.03.25, opens in new tab
- Deputations List - 11.03.25, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 - Amended Third Sector Criteria for funding, opens in new tab
- Motions and Amendments - Policy and Sustainability Committee - 11.03.25, opens in new tab

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